Man in Virtual Reality a new generation of computer games
Play accompanies a person throughout his life. Play in childhood adolescence, play adults. There are a variety of games: sports, military, gambling, etc. The development of technology has led to the creation of the game industry – computer. And now we are already talking about the next generation of computer technology – virtual and augmented reality.
Issues of informatics, cybernetics, programming, computer engineering and automation are widely covered in special and popular scientific literature, in the periodical press. The task of the world industry is to provide developers and users with sufficiently powerful computers and relevant peripheral devices as soon as possible.
The share of purely computational tasks in machine time is now only a few percent, although in this direction too the capabilities of computers are continuously growing. In order to evaluate the computer as a partner of man in games, let us compare their capabilities.
A human being receives genetic information at birth, which determines the development of his abilities. For example, a person’s ability to communicate by speech is genetically determined by the development of the most complex auditory analyzer, which includes perfect inner ear systems and millions of brain neurons.
The computer is created by the people who design its hardware. Modern processors contain millions of basic elements (transistors). In addition, despite the development of artificial intelligence systems, it is human beings who create the computer software to solve certain problems. Using off-the-shelf hardware and software, the user controls processes. Unlike man, the computer is rapidly improving: a hundred years ago there were no computers, while man has existed for millions of years.
Thus, both human and computer begin their development on the basis of information embedded from outside, but for human it is genetic information and for computer it is information embedded in it by hardware and software developers.
In general, modern computers have virtually the same channels of communication as humans. They can hear, speak and see, the only things that are not quite accessible at this stage of technology development are sense of smell and touch. It should be noted that a computer is able to perceive other information that is not available to a human being in other frequency ranges (for example, it perceives radioactive radiation, infrared images with the help of special sensors, etc.).
Man is endowed with what is commonly called intelligence and intellect. It is difficult to say this about computers, especially when it comes to intelligence. There is a lot of talk these days about artificial intelligence. In fact, the questions of machine intelligence and reasonableness were, and still are, deeply philosophical. Modern neural networks are a perfect demonstration of the ambiguity of the definition of these concepts and incomparability of human and machine capabilities.
Modern computing systems are continuously included in the system of human communication. Day and night, weekdays and holidays, they draw information from continuously operating communication systems, They index (“read”) books and periodicals, “listen” to radio data channels, “browse” broadcasting systems (both analog and digital, including streaming services), continuously process and generalize information and on this basis solve (or help solve) the most complex tasks, which in fact are no longer fully solved by humans with an acceptable accuracy. We can say that the modern world is extremely dependent on computer technology and this dependence is only increasing. Decision support systems and big data analysis are the modern wave that will tear down the first boundaries in the structure of man-machine society.
Fifty years ago, the world-famous Disneyland was built in the United States under the direction of Walt Disney, equipped with moving robots with hardwired programming. The robots moved, spoke, manipulated various objects, many of them very similar to humans. This direction was called audio-animatronics. Movable robot mannequins still make a big impression on many visitors to Disneyland.
New generations of robots with adaptive behavior, equipped with artificial vision and voice communication systems, advanced tactile and remote sensors, multiprocessor computing systems, in the near future will be partners of people in games, both table and mobile, such as sports.